
Workshop to practice html & css

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to Workshop 1

Registration form

The goal of this workshop to practice html & css skills.

Your taks is to create this kind of form. Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 9 11 48 The form should includes:
Title - write whatever you like
Full Name - free text field
Username - free text field with minimum length of 6 characters. No spaces allowed (hint: regex?)
Password - input is hidden upon the typing. minimum length of 8 characters.
Age - valid number from 8 to 120
Email - only valid email is accepter
Gender - dropdown with single choice (male, female, other, refuse to state)
Accepter terms & condition - checkbox
Submit button - submitting the form if it's valid

If input is invalid user should see proper message highlighting which field is invalid.
Don't forget about round corners of background white card and background in general

In general - don't be bounded by given design. You can improvise and make it deligtfull (hint hint: animations)

By end of workshop we will chose the best ones and present them at front of the class