
Setup domain

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

I suggest we setup a more human-readable domain like for example pomocupotresu.com . If project lead agrees I volunteer to buy and setup it

Also we should then setup site to be HTTPS only and setup a https certificate through heroku as some browsers maybe prevent users from reaching the site over http.

vlado commented

I was thinking that this would be helpful in other crisis also (floods, ...) so I think we need more general name. Like kriza.hr, Flow and Form team is also working on some naming and branding ideas.

I'm waiting response from Carnet if we can get .hr domain for free.

@vlado I was thinking the same way however as I know it takes time to get a proper domain name I thought of this as a quick improvement and later on we can always set up 301 redirect to the new "permanent" domain name?

vlado commented

We should have .hr domain today probably.

pomozi.hr is reserved now for us

vlado commented

We have potres-petrinja.hr also. Will take care of it now.

@vlado shoild we move this to done for now?

vlado commented

@vlado shoild we move this to done for now?

Let's wait for #65 to be merged.