
Instant crash on Windows at startup

johhnry opened this issue · 2 comments


I just installed V and compiled ved from source on Windows:

$ git clone https://github.com/vlang/ved
$ cd ved
$ v .
$ ./ved


but nothing appears, the program is crashing without any additional logs.

Output of v doctor:

OS: windows, Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel v19044 64 bits
Processor: 8 cpus, 64bit, little endian, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
CC version: Error: exec failed (CreateProcess) with code 2: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
 cmd: cc --version

getwd: C:\system\profiles\jhenry\Documents\git\ved
vmodules: C:\system\profiles\jhenry\.vmodules
vroot: C:\system\profiles\jhenry\Documents\git\v
vexe: C:\system\profiles\jhenry\Documents\git\v\v.exe
vexe mtime: 2022-12-15 10:42:47
is vroot writable: true
is vmodules writable: true
V full version: V 0.3.2 3643785

Git version: git version 2.21.0.windows.1
Git vroot status: weekly.2022.50-19-g36437859
.git/config present: true
thirdparty/tcc status: thirdparty-windows-amd64 cb89a4fe


Try starting it with a filename argument:

ved somefile.ext

Closing this since it works in 5d8d9d3