
The dot "." accessor operator has no grammar.

pouyakary opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi. I'm the author of Pro Colors and I'm trying to add support for V. So far it has been a challenge since the grammar does not specify the grammar for the identifiers and Pro Colors has to render all the identifiers blue. The trick so far was to render the source.v as blue and then color everything else so that the only thing that remains in the source.v be the identifiers. I have done this successfully but only got to problems (for now) with two grammar elements. One is the . that is used to access the methods of the classes:

Screen Shot 1400-05-02 at 02 26 32

If this could be added to the grammar that could be awesome and I can have a full support for V in the Pro Colors :)

P.S. I'm willing to add it myself, I just didn't know where it is expected to be. If you give me a hint I'll add it myself.

I have no clue too. I will look into it next beginning of next month. I'm very new to text mate grammar.

If you PR it, please add tests as well.

Okay, if I did it before the month's ending I'll PR it, otherwise I tell you I couldn't