
Remove vsl.mpi from vsl.la dependencies (making it optional)

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the feature

As discussed here : https://discord.com/channels/592103645835821068/763496422166626336/1190371024131334195
To make la independent from mpi to be able to run vsl.la just with v install vsl.
(I'm not sure if that is the issue you asked for, or if it was for the matrix vector multiplication issues I stumbled upon)

Use Case

To be able to use vsl.la just using v install vsl.

Proposed Solution

No response

Other Information

No response


  • I may be able to implement this feature request
  • This feature might incur a breaking change

Version used

V 0.4.3 2c824f4

Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)

V full version: V 0.4.3 536bf21.2c824f4
OS: windows, Microsoft Windows 10 Education v19045 64 bits
Processor: 4 cpus, 64bit, little endian,

getwd: C:\Users\PACHECON
vexe: C:\Users\PACHECON\v\v.exe
vexe mtime: 2024-01-03 15:33:20

vroot: OK, value: C:\Users\PACHECON\v
VMODULES: OK, value: C:\Users\PACHECON.vmodules
VTMP: OK, value: C:\Users\PACHECON\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0

Git version: git version 2.42.0.windows.2
Git vroot status: weekly.2023.51-103-g2c824f4c
.git/config present: true

CC version: Error: 'cc' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

thirdparty/tcc status: thirdparty-windows-amd64 e90c2620