
build simple player on windows

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I'm having the following issue:
When compiling simple player under windows environment i do:
cd simple-player
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This is the output i get:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:60 (FIND_PACKAGE): By not providing "FindVLCQt.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "VLCQt", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "VLCQt" with any of the following names: VLCQtConfig.cmake vlcqt-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "VLCQt" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "VLCQt_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "VLCQt" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

It seems there is a problem with the FindLIBVLCQT under the folder simple-player\cmake

I get the following error building under widnows:

09:20:21: Führe Schritte für Projekt simple-player aus...
09:20:21: Unveränderte Konfiguration, qmake-Schritt wird übersprungen.
09:20:21: Starte: "C:\Qt\Qt5.12.4\Tools\mingw730_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" -j4
cd src\ && ( if not exist Makefile C:\Qt\Qt5.12.4\5.12.4\mingw73_32\bin\qmake.exe -o Makefile C:\Users\lkummer\Code\examples\simple-player\src\src.pro -spec win32-g++ "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug" ) && C:/Qt/Qt5.12.4/Tools/mingw730_32/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/lkummer/Code/examples/build-simple-player-Desktop_Qt_5_12_4_MinGW_32_bit-Debug/src'
C:\Qt\Qt5.12.4\5.12.4\mingw73_32\bin\qmake.exe -o Makefile ....\simple-player\src\src.pro -spec win32-g++ "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
C:/Qt/Qt5.12.4/Tools/mingw730_32/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile.Debug
mingw32-make[2]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/lkummer/Code/examples/build-simple-player-Desktop_Qt_5_12_4_MinGW_32_bit-Debug/src'
mingw32-make[2]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/lkummer/Code/examples/build-simple-player-Desktop_Qt_5_12_4_MinGW_32_bit-Debug/src'
mingw32-make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'VLCQtWidgets/WidgetVideo.h', needed by 'ui_SimplePlayer.h'. Stop.
mingw32-make[1]: *** [Makefile:38: debug] Error 2
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/lkummer/Code/examples/build-simple-player-Desktop_Qt_5_12_4_MinGW_32_bit-Debug/src'
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:43: sub-src-make_first] Error 2
09:20:25: Der Prozess "C:\Qt\Qt5.12.4\Tools\mingw730_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" wurde mit dem Rückgabewert 2 beendet.
Fehler beim Erstellen/Deployment des Projekts simple-player (Kit: Desktop Qt 5.12.4 MinGW 32-bit)
Bei der Ausführung von Schritt "Make"
09:20:25: Verstrichene Zeit: 00:03.