
Support leaderboard "scopes"

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Sometimes in games, scoring systems can involve muiltiple leaderboards, where scores are:

  • Grouped by resource
    • speed to finish a level
    • wealth at the end
    • ...
  • Grouped by context
    • levels
    • a different leaderboard for each day
    • ranked play or "casual"
    • ...

Exact need

I would like to easily embed multiple leaderboards in my game.

Current workaround

We can create a lot of leaderboards and use different uuid+secret for each of our resource/context, but it becomes quickly a lot of code and error-prone.

Proposed solutions


Add a tag to each score, which we could filter and rebuild any sub-leaderboard necessary, that could enable scores to exist in multiple sub-leaderboards


  • most modular for developers


  • scores can easily be hard to read if the filter is too complicated
  • easy to misuse with the wrong tag or filter ?

Collection of leaderboards

Current Leaderboard becomes a collection of leaderboard:

  • each one having their own string name, with an optional default one such as "main"
  • They are created lazily when a player needs one specific type.


  • developer-facing API can easily be adapted to support an optional "LeaderboardName" target


  • easily DDOSable ? (might be circumvented with wildcards of possible leaderboard names..?)
  • backend and administration UI to be reworked more heavily than sub-leaderboards

this can be simulated currently using the meta field when submitting a score: https://docs.rs/bevy_jornet/latest/bevy_jornet/struct.Leaderboard.html#method.send_score_with_meta

Seems good enough to me, next step is probably filtering via more complex queries but that should probably be another discussion