
ClientTests hang on CI

tjaskula opened this issue · 2 comments

Needs further investigation why sometimes TestThatLoadBalancingClientDelivers and TestThatRoundRobinClientDelivers hangs on Appveyor and Travis CI.

The passing one is Ubuntu image. macOS, windows fail

Apparently there is some contention on Visual Studio 2019 image on Appveyor. Reducing to 3 clients, there is an output which clearly shows big delays between different requests:

vlingo/http: Generating handler dispatcher for main: UserResource
consoleLogger[Debug]: vlingo-net/actors: Generating proxy for main: IScheduled`1
consoleLogger[Info]: ServerRequestResponseChannelActor: OPENING PORT: 8088
consoleLogger[Info]: Server vlingo-http-server is listening on port: 8088 started in 211.994873046875 ms
consoleLogger[Info]: Resource: user
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=0, method=POST, uri=/users, to=Register(Vlingo.Http.Tests.Sample.User.UserData userData)
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=1, method=PATCH, uri=/users/{userId}/contact, to=ChangeContact(string userId, Vlingo.Http.Tests.Sample.User.ContactData contactData)
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=2, method=PATCH, uri=/users/{userId}/name, to=ChangeName(string userId, Vlingo.Http.Tests.Sample.User.NameData nameData)
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=3, method=GET, uri=/users/{userId}, to=QueryUser(string userId)
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=4, method=GET, uri=/users, to=QueryUsers()
consoleLogger[Info]: Action: id=5, method=GET, uri=/users/{userId}/error, to=QueryUserError(string userId)
Starting timer...
consoleLogger[Info]: Socket connected to
consoleLogger[Info]: Socket connected to
consoleLogger[Info]: Socket connected to
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:50 PM
ID: 1 | Elapsed 1.1568961s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:50 PM
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:51 PM
ID: 2 | Elapsed 0.841094s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:51 PM
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:53 PM
ID: 3 | Elapsed 1.8152096s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:31:53 PM
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:32:00 PM
ID: 1 | Elapsed 7.0290327999999995s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:32:00 PM
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:32:23 PM
ID: 2 | Elapsed 22.8926767s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:32:23 PM
Start consuming...2/3/2020 10:33:08 PM
ID: 3 | Elapsed 44.741964599999996s
Stop consuming...2/3/2020 10:33:08 PM

44s for the last one, and 22 for the before last one.
Not sure what is causing those delays and how to replicate that, because as far as I've tested on Windows and OS X everything works fine.

This was just a symptom of other issues. Observed directly in vlingo-net-http but caused by vlingo-net-wire:

  • Useless synchronization primitives in vlingo-net-wire checking if the channel is still connected. This was very slow as locking occurred too often. It was fixed here -> vlingo-net/xoom-net-wire@3f847c4 by removing the whole code.