
LoweringError: list(array64, 1d, C): unsupported nested memory-managed object

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I was using the unravel.unravel_3D_pyart utility to dealias a volume scan data from C-band radar, but I got this error:

LoweringError: list(array64, 1d, C): unsupported nested memory-managed object

I tried using the simple unravel.dealiasing_process_2D function as well, by passing on data for one elevation: range, azimuth, velocity, and nyquist_velocity arguments, but still the same error popped up.

My data has 11 sweeps/elevs, 1600 bins and 360 azimuth. Its a C-band radar with nyquist velocity of 8.0 m/s.

I am using Python 3.6, on Windows 10 64 bit machine, for the record.

Can you please help me out?

vlouf commented


I've never seen this error before but by googling a bit it seems to be related to the Numba library. Can you tell me which version of Numba you are using, or post your python environment so that I can try to reproduce this error.


vlouf commented

Hi @pandasambit15 ,

I had a look at the file you've sent. I was able to read the file (even thought start/end sweep data are incorrect) and attempted to dealiase it (well the processing worked, as in no error, but the results are wrong)


Aliased velocity, dealiasing results:

First thing that is weird is the file is that it seems that there's no fill value and the missing reflectivities are equals to 25???? rhohv is so low that we can't really use it for filtering data. I will send you my step by step jupyter notebook by mail. I tried play with threshold but it's not really working.

I don't think unravel will work on this case, too much noise and variability. A better way to dealias this case would be probably to use some kind of VAD or double VAD technique using radiosounding data (I don't have code for that sorry, but look into pyart)?
