
Load from file

Closed this issue · 4 comments


is it documented somewhere how to load and parse a local configuration file?

In the "Quick example" and "Configurations" documentation sections I mostly find example snippets for environment variables - but maybe I am missing something.

Thank you!

Hi, it depends on what configuration file format you're using. There's ciris-hocon, but no other configuration file format support in ciris. Alternatively, you can use ciris.file to load the file contents and parse the file format on your own.

Thank you for the quick reply!
I was mainly interested in HOCON! But I did not quite understand if I'm supposed to load my file using java.io.File in combination with ConfigFactory.parseFile, like in a "traditional" typesafe configuration parser, or if there was some integrated logic to take care of that?
Apologies if it's a rookie question!

I'd suggest opening an issue with questions over at ciris-hocon. :)

OK, thank you Viktor!