
How to use post method for http call 301

amrsa1 opened this issue · 6 comments

im unable to perform post method for an API that will return 301 once you successfully logged in

here is what i did

`describe ('Backend Validation', function () {

    request: {
        followRedirect: 'follow', // also try it with redirect: false and without anything as well
        headers: {
            origin: 'example.com',
            referer: 'https://example.com/login?redirect=https%3A//exa.com/',

it('1- Verify backend and API will return 301', function () {
    return frisby
        .post('https://example.com/EAI/Login', {
                username: 'my user',
                password: 'my pass'
                .expect('status', 302)

here is also all api details



Sounds like you need {redirect: 'manual'}: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42716082/fetch-api-whats-the-use-of-redirect-manual

same still returning 200 postman returning the expect value 302

describe ('Backend Validation', function () {

    request: {
        redirect: 'manual',
        headers: {
            origin: 'https://sss.com',
            referer: 'https://aaa.com',

it('1- API will retrun 302', function () {
    return frisby
        .post('https://example.com/EAI/Login', {
                username: 'user',
                password: 'pass'
                .expect('status', 302)


Try using fetch() instead of post() and see if that makes a difference. It's a direct pass through to the fetch API.

u mean just replace post with fetch
