
Illogical errors messages

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Let's take this example

$v = new \Valitron\Validator(inputs);
$v->rule('required', ['email', 'name']);
$v->rule('email', 'email');

if the email input is empty the validator will generate two messages ($v->errors();)
Email is required and email is not valid !!

But logically the validator have to generate only one message error: Email is required, and ignore the second one !

I can validate required fields separately then validate the others, but I think this should be done automatically by the Validator !
Am i right ?

You're not wrong, for your use-case :) It's a bit of a philosophical question: Valitron holds a set of one or more rules and will return an error for each rule that fails. In this case, this may be a bit redundant: if an e-mail is empty, it's never valid obviously. There are however cases where it makes sense to get all errors.

You could do two things I guess: show only the first error in the array, or use a custom function to validate your e-mail if it's not empty:

$validator->rule(function($field, $value){
    if (empty($value)){
        //empty values are handled by the 'required' rule, so we can safely return true here
        return true;
    //e-mail is not empty, so validate it
    return filter_var($value, \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false;
}, 'email' )->message("{field} is not a valid email address");