
Langues Bug Fixed

HakanKorkz opened this issue · 4 comments

Fixing the language bug in the Valitron package

The automatic Composer installation of this package works without any problems, but when the package files are downloaded to the computer in ZIP form, unzipped and included in the project, a language bug occurs as seen in the image below.

In the picture I posted, the bug is fixed on the 118th line.

I am posting the solution to the language bug here in the Valitron package.

Error: https://imgur.com/BKyKCSS

Error: https://imgur.com/wtlDFbL

Success: https://imgur.com/i85MW2V

Finish: https://imgur.com/mGqPOSR

related to #247?

I'm a bit confused at the code in https://imgur.com/wtlDFbL, why is /Validator.php in there? The code in https://imgur.com/i85MW2V seems correct and the same as it is in the repo right now

related to #247?


I'm a bit confused at the code in https://imgur.com/wtlDFbL, why is /Validator.php in there? The code in https://imgur.com/i85MW2V seems correct and the same as it is in the repo right now

Unfortunately, the bug in the repo is now a manual install bug https://imgur.com/i85MW2V the bug in this link is on line 113.