- 0
How can I perform GZIP compression on messages?
#199 opened by pythonzaza - 0
Docs say `status_details_codec` defaults to `ProtoStatusDetailsCodec()` but actual default is `None`
#198 opened by stan-stately - 12
- 2
Type Error when instantiating Client without ssl and with out ssl module installed
#194 opened by jendrikjoe - 1
Add `max_send_message_length` and `max_receive_message_length` in server options Configuration
#195 opened by hexbabe - 3
`__aexit__` should return `bool | None`, not `None`
#193 opened by llucax - 5
- 1
grpc_health_probe tls issues
#192 opened by cyberbudy - 0
Looking for ability to set HTTP proxy
#191 opened by tsmith023 - 3
Server doesn't stay open in Python 3.12
#182 opened by kochie - 1
- 1
ServerReflection doesn't respond with transitive dependencies as its supposed to by the standard
#187 opened by renbou - 3
#184 opened by thundergolfer - 1
Custom loop for grpclib.testing.ChannelFor
#186 opened by BananaLoaf - 2
Compatibility with hypercorn?
#183 opened by ggilder - 3
feat: ability to override certificate authorities
#181 opened by redbmk - 9
Sample for implementing opentelemetry tracing
#136 opened by haf - 5
Add support for Python 3.11
#179 opened by yomach - 2
'Channel' object has no attribute 'request'
#178 opened by RuofengX - 5
Error "RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'AnyIO worker thread'." when FastApi server is running.
#177 opened by stanmb - 6
Access underlying HTTP details on GRPCError
#170 opened by JonatannQm - 2
New Release with Fixed DeprecationWarning Filter
#175 opened by nikstur - 6
The test test_default_ssl_context is failing
#173 opened by benallard - 4
ServerReflection not working correctly
#172 opened by ih3xcode - 0
Re-connect after getting StreamTerminatedError
#169 opened by ahmdrz - 2
Generated services are not backwards compatible
#168 opened by njooma - 1
Does the package has Reflection client support ?
#154 opened by tmsrikanth - 7
How to create a channel from URL
#164 opened by CaptTwigg - 0
Adding my learning on Secure connections
#167 opened by tmsrikanth - 7
- 3
Receiving an `AttributeError: 'EventsProcessor' object has no attribute 'processors'`
#153 opened by BlakeHyde - 7
Why can't import HelloRequest, HelloReply
#165 opened by jet10000 - 5
Compatibility with protobuf 4.21.0
#159 opened by AntoniaAdler - 2
Is there a wway to specify the root package?
#163 opened by iot-resister - 1
Feature: "M" module mapping option
#160 opened by pcj - 2
mypy error: `Cannot instantiate abstract class "Server"` when upgrading mypy to 0.950
#158 opened by efokschaner - 5
AttributeError: 'H2Connection' object has no attribute '_frame_dispatch_table'
#156 opened by libka-b - 0
#157 opened by ablewolf - 5
Support for `grpc.max_connection_age_ms` and `grpc.max_connection_age_grace_ms`?
#152 opened by jalaziz - 0
- 1
AttributeError: 'SSLContext' object has no attribute '_set_npn_protocols' in Python 3.10
#150 opened by fundthmcalculus - 2
How do I communicate with GO
#149 opened by lishichao1181 - 1
Is `graceful_exit` actually graceful?
#148 opened by jalaziz - 0
Pub/Sub using stream RPC
#147 opened by quazzuk - 4
Type hints for
#146 opened by icgood - 7
Response Streaming - Client Blocked
#145 opened by ozangungor12 - 2
Question about client.Stream.recv_message
#143 opened by artificial-aidan - 3
Support --experimental_allow_proto3_optional
#139 opened by Mokto - 1
Provide samples for more of the protobuf types
#138 opened by haf - 2
Missing code-completion in VSCode
#137 opened by haf