
CORS issue with Dhall

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regr4 commented

Hi, I just installed atspkg and ats, and tried to build a Hello World program,
but I got some errors which I'm pretty sure are from Dhall:

$ atspkg run

Resolving dependencies...
atspkg: Error when running Shake build system:
at want, called at src/Language/ATS/Package/Build.hs:226:15 in ts-pkg-
* Depends on: run
at need, called at src/Language/ATS/Package/Build.hs:157:9 in ts-pkg-
* Depends on: target/ch1
at need, called at src/Development/Shake/ATS.hs:192:9 in shk-ts-
* Depends on: .atspkg/c/src/ch1.c
at need, called at src/Development/Shake/ATS.hs:213:9 in shk-ts-
* Depends on: .atspkg/deps
* Raised the exception:
Error: Not CORS compliant

Dhall supports transitive imports, meaning that an imported expression can
import other expressions.  However, a remote import (the "parent" import)
cannot import another remote import (the "child" import) unless the child
import grants permission to do using CORS.  The child import must respond with
an `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header that matches the parent
import, otherwise Dhall rejects the import.

The child response did not include any `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header,
so import resolution failed.

I've just got the default atspkg.dhall and pkg.dhall which I generated via pi new ats ch1.
I've no idea what precisely causes this, but in case it matters, I'm on MacOS Catalina.
Sorry if this is my own fault and I messed up somehow.