
Can not fixed navbar

ngoncom opened this issue · 8 comments


I try to fixed navbar with css but not luck, the problem is translate(3d), do you have any jsfiddle


you have to use the events (open, close)
to manipulate the navbar.
Is it Bootstrap?

Yes, I am using Bootstrap and I will try using js, thank for your reply.

Codepen Demo?

I have a tweet for you, thank!

I have the same problem, when the .sticky-top bootstrap 4 class is used - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/utilities/position/ - it doesn't show because the .c-offcanvas-content-wrap has overflow: hidden;.

Is there a workaround for it?

i've already fixed that

Can you update to the newest version and check again.

Thank you @vmitsaras it works now.

EDIT: It doesn't work: https://streamable.com/9g1i5

To make it compatible with Bootstrap change or add:

.c-offcanvas--overlay {
	z-index: 1080;

.c-offcanvas-bg {
	z-index: 1079;