
Problem with Css Modifier Class

staggattack opened this issue · 3 comments

Css modifier class "overlay" is not set correctly on the element "c-offcanvas". It will come out to "c-offcanvas-- overlay" instead of "c-offcanvas--overlay". Thus some important styles aren't applied to this element. Same issue with the element "c-offcanvas-bg".

What's your Plugin configuration (options) ?
Initialization through HTML or Javascript?
Example Code would be helpful.

latest version intalled via 'yarn add js-offcanvas'

Initalized through Javascript with simple configuration:

modifiers: 'left, overlay', // default options
triggerButton: '#triggerButton' // btn to open offcanvas

Quick fix

modifiers: 'left, overlay', // options: "left"," overlay"
modifiers: 'left,overlay', // <- use this! options without space