
any way to pipeline from generators or infinite pipelines?

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I'm using mpipe for computer vision processing from camera frames, it's exactly what I need, but the put() get() api is nonideal, and I can't figure out a way to have infinite tasks.

I read the documentation but I keep finding that you need to feed the tasks before running, I need to feed tasks while running


pipe = Pipeline(...

for number in range(10):

I tried running a thread in the background to feed a multiprocessing.Queue but it just stops when the queue gets full, I concluded that you can't run put() while you're running get()

def fill_queue():
    while True:
        if not q.full():
            time.sleep(0.01)  # Rest for 10ms, we have a full queue
thread = Thread(target=fill_queue, args=())
thread.daemon = True

while True:
    if q.qsize():
       results... = q.get()

either way, something is very wrong