
Cairo Errors when Trying to Run chartjs-node

Closed this issue · 4 comments


On trying your sample after installing Cairo on Mac OSX, I get this error:

W20170110-23:33:15.810(-5)? (STDERR) Assertion failed: (!scaled_font->cache_frozen), function _cairo_scaled_glyph_page_destroy, file cairo-scaled-font.c, line 459.
=> Exited from signal: SIGABRT

Any ideas?

It seems to be related to this issue:

Hey @nicholasalanbrown - not sure. CI runs on linux so no automated validation on OSX/Windows. But I did develop this package on osx. How did you install cairo on osx? I used homebrew:

Here's the version I installed a while back:

$ brew info cairo
cairo: stable 1.14.6 (bottled), devel 1.15.2, HEAD
Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
/usr/local/Cellar/cairo/1.14.6_1 (118 files, 5.9M) *
  Poured from bottle on 2016-09-16 at 11:28:41
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/cairo.rb
==> Dependencies
Build: xz ✘, pkg-config ✔
Required: freetype ✔, fontconfig ✔, libpng ✔, pixman ✔, glib ✔

Another option is just to package up whatever application you're writing to run within docker for OSX. That will give you a linux environment.

hey @nicholasalanbrown gonna close this. feel free to reopen if you need more help.

This will prevent this package from working on AWS Lambda.