
VCHs and containers that were deleted from the ESXi still being seen in Admiral UI

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report Basic Information

VC Build: https://buildweb.eng.vmware.com/ob/15610183/
ESX Build: https://buildweb.eng.vmware.com/ob/15525992/
NSXT Build: https://buildweb.eng.vmware.com/ob/15314292/

Embedded or external PSC: Embedded
Vic Builds used: vic-dev-v1.5.5-rc1-7701-fb00e93c.ova
How was the OVA deployed? ovftool
Does the VIC appliance recieve configuration by DHCP? No

Steps to reproduce error:

  1. Deployed VIC 1.5.0 appliance

  2. Deployed 30 VCHs

  3. Deployed 30 photon containers using each VCH ( Totally 900 containers in the VC)

  4. Created Admiral project: project-p01 and added all 30 VCHs to this project

  5. Upgraded VIC appliance to VIC 1.5.5

  6. Deleted all the VCHs and its containers with the command:
    ./vic-machine-linux delete -f -t Administrator@vsphere.local:'Admin!23'@w2hs2-rdp04.eng.vmware.com/Datacenter -r Cluster/Resources --thumbprint 24:16:40:23:D8:F9:D4:9D:16:65:10:E3:E5:D6:2B:0F:10:26:4C:FA --timeout 40m -n <VCH-name>

  7. Accessed the new appliance Admiral UI and was still able to see all the deleted VCHs and containers in project-p01


Vic Support bundle:

@luwang-vmware @renmaosheng

With the latest image the issue has been fixed.

Can still see the issue on Admiral, if VCH is created using any VIC appliance other than VIC1.5.5.

Tested 2 scenarios:

1st scenario: Deployed 2 VCHs with VIC 1.5.4, created a few containers with each VCH, added the VCHs to a project (project-p01) in Admiral.
After this, upgraded the VIC appliance to VIC1.5.5 and deleted the VCHs using vic-machine-linux delete. But I can still see those 2 VCHs in admiral in the 'ON' state. Note: Did not upgrade the VCH to the new VCH version that came with the VIC 1.5.5

2nd Scenario: Deployed VIC 1.5.5, created 2 VCHs and and some containers, added them to an admiral project and then deleted the VCHs.
This time, in the admiral UI, I can see that the VCHs are in WARNING status and the associated containers are in STOPPED status.

@lazarin @luwang-vmware @renmaosheng

This is because there's some error with the upgrade as in fact it is downgrade and the new admiral is 1.5.0 instead of 1.5.5.

user@vic-st [ / ]# docker images | grep admiral
vmware/admiral     ova          33a6598a5c0d    14 months ago    295MB
vmware/admiral     vic_v1.5.0   33a6598a5c0d    14 months ago    295MB