
Combo box updated color for a11y

colinreedmiller opened this issue · 11 comments

Change the border on the pill to meet 3.1 contrast.

Light theme: #737373
Dark theme: #8F9BA3

@Shijir does your color token work resolve this issue?

it certainly would be better if this was a core token rather than a hex value - I specified NG hex because it is a common color used in many places in NG - if we prefer a core token I can specify that instead.

@colinreedmiller for awareness, we have added a way to enable people to use the Core tokens with Clarity Angular, which should resolve most, if not all, contrast issues.

@colinreedmiller for awareness, we have added a way to enable people to use the Core tokens with Clarity Angular, which should resolve most, if not all, contrast issues.

This is great and ideal provided NG contrast issues get fixed this way by products.

I just checked the border's color contrast with the new shim installed. With the shim, the contrast improves but still fails to meet the 3:1 ratios.

The shim sets the pill's border color to --cds-alias-object-border-color which is #cbd4d8.
And the containing background (combobox's input background) is --cds-alias-object-container-background-shade which is #e3eaed

Without Core tokens shim:
Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 4 37 22 PM

With Core tokens shim:
Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 4 36 23 PM

These tokens will make the combobox pill meet contrast:
The containing background (combobox's input background):
and keep the pill's border color:
Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 5 47 24 PM


I had it assigned in the internal a11y tracking.

These tokens will make the combobox pill meet contrast: The containing background (combobox's input background): --cds-alias-object-container-background-tint and keep the pill's border color: --cds-alias-object-border-color Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 5 47 24 PM

@colinreedmiller When I apply the token values you've suggested above, the pill border contrast looks a bit different than what's shown in your screenshot. In your screenshot, the pill border color looks a bit darker so I wonder whether that is --cds-alias-object-border-color or not.

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 10 05 24 AM

Correct Core token for border is --cds-alias-object-interaction-border-color

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