
Cannot use Angular Combobox in Core Modal.

jrmycanady opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

Angular Combobox is incompatible with the core Modal web component. The selection options are under the modal. The z-index of the selection options is only 5000 while the modal is 1000001.

How to reproduce

  1. Create a core modal.
  2. Place an angular combobox in it.
  3. Click the options.
  4. The options are displayed under the modal.

Expected behavior

The options are displayed in a way the user can view and select them with the mouse.


Clarity project:

  • Clarity Core
  • Clarity Angular/UI

Clarity version:

  • v3.x
  • v4.x
  • v5.x


  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue
  • Other:

Framework version:
Angular 13


  • Type: MacBook
  • OS: macOS 12.1
  • Chrome
  • Version 97.0.4692.71

Additional notes

Overriding the z-index property of the .clr-popover-content class with the value of 1000001 "corrects" the issue.

This is a valid bug to me, as we want Core and Clarity Angular components to be compatible. But I can't say where it needs to be fixed now, at Core or at Clarity NG. It can also surface in other combinations with Angular components with popovers.

CC @mathisscott Scott, do we have any previous thoughts and ideas how to approach the problem of mixing Core and other systems' popovers?

@ashleyryan Could I understand why this was closed? Has it been corrected or is the plan to not support full Core and Clarity Angular compatibility?

@jrmycanady Apologies. I'm cleaning up this repository, which has been archived (temporarily unarchived for cleanup).

Can you recreate the issue in one of the new repositories (most likely Core):

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