
cannot work updateFilterValue with custom filters

kitodev opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

I want to use updateFilterValue when click to clear all filter button, but it does not work with the built in filters:



Clarity project:

  • Clarity Core
  • Clarity Angular/UI

Clarity version:

  • v3.x
  • v4.x
  • v5.x


  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue
  • Other:

Framework version:
Angular 13

It does work with built-in filters. Here's your StackBlitz from the previous bug, updated:

The difference with the new StackBlitz is that it features some custom filters, which are themselves not working in the linked demo above, see your HTML template. Probably left-over from some attempts to make it work with custom filters?

@Jinnie thank you for the response. in fact, i want to use the Clear Filter option on the custom filter. There is any solutions maybe, how can i do that?

@kitodev I'd ask to start with a working reproduction. The above StackBlitz does not really work, so I can't say or debug now at what level the functionality gets broken.
I'll reopen the issue and mark it as needing reproduction.

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