
Halite doesn't support browser login/password auto-filling

tiger-seo opened this issue · 6 comments

Thanks for the bug report!

I did some quick debugging and was able to reproduce this issue on FireFox. It looks like the $dirty flag was not set on the form. Also login.username and login.password were not updated after the autofill filled in the username and password values (which is why the dirty flag might not be set).

It might be a little while before I can resolve this. Patches are always welcome though!

#158 should fix this

Halite still does not support browser login/password auto-filling for me.
I'm using firefox, and when the login/password is autofilled, the login button remains disabled.

We'll have to look under the hood on this one to get to the issue. The following instructions make use of the attached screenshot.

  • Please open the Dev Tools of Firefox by right clicking on the webpage and selecting Inspect Element
  • Once that is done please proceed to the Debugger tab (annotated in red)
  • Under sources on the left please select appDrtv.js (annotated in red)
  • Once that is selected please scrpll to line number 53 and set a breakpoint by clicking on 53 (annotated in red)
  • Refresh the page
  • Now the control should (ideally) stop at line no 53. When it does please verify that there is a value next tp prefilledValue on the right (annotated in red)
  • Lastly to have the control proceed press the play button on the top left (annotated)

In case the control does not hit the breakpoint and stop please try to set it on line 51 to see if there is any value actually assigned to the variable prefilledValue.

This will expose the issue at hand.


While reloading the page, debugger breaks on line 53, but prefilledValue is empty string.
I think this is because, no login/password is prefilled yet because I have multiple logins available so I first have to choose which login must be prefilled.
My guess is that this is the reason why the workaround does not work for me, since prefilling is not done at page load, but manually by the user later on.

Can you reproduce this issue on you side when you store multiple logins into firefox password manager?

This repo is deprecated and archived. Therefore, this issue is now closed. Thank you.