
cannot set only the last keyword argument

bbinet opened this issue · 8 comments

I cannot set only one keyword argument because is will always be interpreted as I set the first keyword argument.
For example if I want to set only the interval keyword param or the ps.top function (https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/develop/salt/modules/ps.py#L40), it will be understood as I had set the num_processes keyword param.
See the screenshots below, the results are the same whether I set the num_processes or the interval keyword param:



Thanks for reporting this @bbinet

I'll investigate this and #161 and get back to you.

This is a bug in the arguments detection / handling logic.

This should be fixed in the upcoming release 0.1.17.

Do you know when the 0.1.17 release will be available?

@bbinet Most probably this week.

Good news, thanks!

I confirm that this issue is now fixed with 0.1.17.