
All webpages when using halite sometimes randomly shows a lot of junk

nmadhok opened this issue · 3 comments

All Webpage when using halite randomly shows a lot of junk. Tested on Safari and Google Chrome. Restarted the browsers but the problem occasionally occurs. Please see some of the attached screenshots below:

screen shot 2014-06-02 at 10 35 15 am

screen shot 2014-06-02 at 10 38 17 am

screen shot 2014-06-02 at 10 39 19 am

@nmadhok Thanks for reporting this! The next time this happens could you please "Inspect Element" on that and paste a bit of the HTML that corresponds to it? I wasn't able to reproduce this, so I'm not 100% sure what webpage element is bleeding through.

@pass-by-value I haven't gotten much time to look into this again. If i use it again and see this, i will do what you've suggested and possibly fix it if i can. In any case i will let you know the HTML content.

This repo is deprecated and archived. Therefore, this issue is now closed. Thank you.