
Halite does not respect base prefix

jfrconley opened this issue · 8 comments

Halite seems to absolutely refuses to respect any base path such as '/halite/' specified either in the salt master config or in arguments specified in explicitly when running it directly. It at least claims to rebase them when I specify to do so while running it directly, but it's actions say otherwise. For example, when I give it the url /halite/app/console and set the base to /halite/ it resolves and loads the page, but then immediately changes the url to /app/console which of course doesn't exist. Just to clarify it doesn't even get that far when I try to specify base in the config as it won't so much as resolve the url and instead gives me a delightful 404.

I think you have to change base in both places

which can be done by running server_bottle.py with -b


configuration = {
baseUrl: "",

what do you mean by configuration.js? Is it the salt master config?


Thank you, that actually is rebasing the url. I still find it a bit bizarre that I can't just specify that in a config...

Actually, it seems that everything is working except that damn login system. I put in my credentials and it refuses them. As a test, I went back to directly connecting to it and this was not an issue.

@ImTNT Are you using cherrypy? If yes, could you please try pip install cherrypy=='3.2.2', restart your server and try to login again?

Unfortunately that didn't help. To give a little bit more detail, it seems to be getting stuck at checking the authorization of the user, and never gets to confirming or denying it. Just sits there in limbo, the Schrodinger's cat of login systems. Thanks for the reply btw, I really appreciate the help

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