
Halite Debian Install Notes

gargolito opened this issue · 2 comments

Not a problem but I had some issues installing Halite on debian 7.7 and this is how I troubleshoot and resolved.

The installation info from docs.saltstack.com fail at some points due to undocumented missing libraries, the steps below should succesfully complete the installation.

  1. apt-get install libffi-dev gcc python-dev libevent-dev python-pip
  2. curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py | python
  3. pip install -U halite pyopenssl gevent CherryPy paste

Do only steps and from http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/tutorials/halite.html
make sure you do: salt-call tls.create_self_signed_cert tls

At this point you have everything you need, but Halite will not start. After following the troubleshooting steps from #166 I discovered that on starting salt-master, the webserver was asking for the PEM password. To resolve this just strip the PEM password from the key file:

  1. cd /etc/pki/tls/certs/
  2. mv localhost.key localhost.key.pw
  3. openssl rsa -in localhost.key.pw -out localhost.key
  4. /etc/init.d/salt-master restart

Thanks for the tip about removing the password from the key.

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