
Halite documentation

pguay opened this issue · 9 comments

When you have to generate the certificate for Halite (in the docs https://salt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/tutorials/halite.html), the command doesn't work :
salt '*' tls.create_self_signed_cert test

It is supposed to be :
salt-call tls.create_self_signed_cert tls

Thanks for the report @pguay

Did you receive any specific error while executing the salt command below?

salt '*' tls.create_self_signed_cert test

If yes could you please post that error here?

You probably are already aware of this but the salt command with the * option tries to run that on all connected minions. The salt-call on the other hand can be used to run a command on a single minion (without the need to go through the master).

It sounds like a good idea to mention salt-call tls.create_self_signed_cert tls in the documentation.

I received this error on all minions:

Minion Name:
"tls.create_self_signed_cert" is not available.

Yes i was aware that it was running on all my minions, tha'ts why i think it should be the salt-call command to be run in the documentation.

It's a little bit misleading since we don't need to have certificates generated on minions for the sake of installing Halite.

A little suggestion, maybe mention that the salt-minion package needs to be installed on the master to make the salt-call command work.


One reason I think that you might have seen that error is because the python module PyOpenSSL might not be installed on the minion. However, salt-call also calls the same code afaik.

Thanks for the suggestion about salt-minion, we can add that to the docs as well.

Added this to the documentation.

@pass-by-value I'd suggest taking the part about minions out completely since Halite must run on the master.

Ohh! thanks @whiteinge

I also removed instructions to install salt-minion

Created saltstack/salt#8755


Note, that on systems installed with the EPEL, you need to make sure pyOpenSSL is installed as that does NOT come in by default. salt-call fails until you do. Might be good to update the docs to include that as well.

@jasonmcintosh true. the documentation doesn't tell about it.
plus, my question is... so to run halite, is it mandatory for the master to have itself as accepted minion?