
Kubewatch is firing sereval messages after turned on

rafabios opened this issue · 0 comments

It might be realted to argocd (auto heal/sync enabled), I really not sure, but when I turned it on, its firing lots of messages:

INFO[0000] Processing add to replicaset: default/kafka1-58474f7fc5  pkg=kubewatch-replicaset
INFO[0000] Processing add to replicaset: apps/tar-78949cbdd  pkg=kubewatch-replicaset
INFO[0002] Processing update to pod: default/timescaledb-0  pkg=kubewatch-pod
2021/05/13 12:40:12 Message successfully sent to MS Teams
INFO[0004] Processing update to pod: itests/pis-68975c7b49-2r2xr  pkg=kubewatch-pod
INFO[0004] Processing update to replicaset: tests/pis-68975c7b49  pkg=kubewatch-replicaset
INFO[0005] Processing update to node: ip-10-x-x-xxx.sa-east-1.compute.internal  pkg=kubewatch-node
INFO[0005] Processing update to node: ip-10-xx-x-xxx.sa-east-1.compute.internal  pkg=kubewatch-node
2021/05/13 12:40:15 Message successfully sent to MS Teams
2021/05/13 12:40:15 Message successfully sent to MS Teams
2021/05/13 12:40:15 Message successfully sent to MS Teams
2021/05/13 12:40:16 Message successfully sent to MS Teams
INFO[0008] Processing update to pod: default/timescaledb-1  pkg=kubewatch-pod
2021/05/13 12:40:18 Message successfully sent to MS Teams

kubewatch config:

    enabled: true
    webhookurl: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/xxxxxxxxxx/IncomingWebhook/xxxx
  configmap: false
  daemonset: true
  deployment: false
  ingress: false
  job: true
  namespace: false
  node: true
  persistentvolume: false
  pod: true
  replicaset: true
  replicationcontroller: false
  secret: false
  services: false

Instaled within helm(argocd);

image version: docker.io/bitnami/kubewatch:0.1.0-debian-10-r275