
Ignoring certain messages

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Lets say I only care about when a node is deleted or created, how do I prevent kubewatch from constantly flooding with updated messages?

similar use case - we are on eks and they recycle the kube proxy (provided by aws plugin) at least once an hour.


I am using docker.io/bitnami/kubewatch:0.1.0-debian-10-r429" and it is constantly flooding with update messages.

aantn commented

If this is still relevant for anyone, I wrote an open source project on top of Kubewatch (see here) which lets you apply filters in yaml. E.g. you can write:

- on_deployment_update: {}
- resource_babysitter:
     fields_to_monitor: ["spec"]
     omitted_fields: [

Or you could only track node creations:

- on_node_create: {}
- resource_babysitter: {}

Happy to add features if anyone needs.