
Unable to stage an Isolation segment tile if more than one is already installed

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We use more than one Isolation segment on PCF , We changed the names with the replicator to be able to upload them to OM . But then the stage-product task doesn't work because it tries to stage a product name which doesn't match the replicated one .


We cannot use the upgrade task anymore for Isolation segment when there is more than one .

Expected result

We should have someting like : staging p-isolation-segment-is01 2.0.11

Current result

We have the following output : Product already staged, skipping , because no

Steps to Reproduce

Install 2 Isolation segments with a version n-1 , Upload to OM the last version of the Tile (uploaded with the replicator name) . And then launch the stage-product task to stage it .

Possible Fix

Logs and Screenshots

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