
97.* Stemcells not found. When utilizing 2.3.* ERT.

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Concourse Output of "create-elastic-runtime-tarball"
Downloading stemcell 97.19 Warning: The use of static Pivnet API tokens is deprecated and will be removed. Please see https://network.pivotal.io/docs/api#how-to-authenticate for details on the new UAA API Token mechanism. Logged-in successfully release not found for version: '97.19'

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Thanks for the issue, we'll look into it. It looks like the stemcell slug changed for xenial stemcells.

Downloading stemcell 97.28
Warning: The use of static Pivnet API tokens is deprecated and will be removed. Please see https://network.pivotal.io/docs/api#how-to-authenticate for details on the new UAA API Token mechanism.
Logged-in successfully
2018/11/02 18:01:17 Downloading 'bosh-stemcell-97.28-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent.tgz' to 'bosh-stemcell-97.28-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent.tgz'

It is fixed in the commit: 5e8e3db
If you want to apply the fix now, you can take the commit and apply to your pipeline.
Otherwise, we are in the process of cutting a new release.

Thanks again for the issue report!