
'clr-modal' is not a known element(angular V15, clarity V15.9.0)

kannaminamahesh opened this issue · 9 comments

This is a bug report for the @clr Angular or UI versions of the design system.
For the web-component implementation of Clarity (@cds), visit vmware-clarity/core.

Describe the bug

upon migrating angular app from V11 to V15 and compiling angular is not recognizing clr compenents like clr-stack, clr-modal, cds-icon, here's the package json.




Expected behavior

compile all the clr components with out errors


Clarity version:

  • v13.x
  • [ x ] v15.x
  • Other:

Framework version:
ie: Angular 15


  • Type: Windows
  • Browser: chrome
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional notes

Add any other notes about the problem here.

can anyone pls help?

The bug template asks for a StackBlitz reproduction. We cannot help until that is added. https://stackblitz.com/@clr-team

But here is a guess: Is the error in a lazy-loaded module? If so, you need to import the Clarity component module within the lazy-loaded module, not just the app module.

We only have one module which is root appmodule.

do you think clarity, angular version incompatibility causing this? I'm able to install node_modules though.

ng-clarity v15 works with Angular v15, so no. We will need a full reproduction in StackBlitz to address this further.

Hi kevin, I'm trying to reproduce the issue in stackblitz, I'm unable to install @cds/core, getting follwing error

Here's the stackblitz link

if possible pls try to show any clarity component(clr-stack clr-modal...) in ui with Angular 15 and clarity 15 version with out any errors so that I can Use the same angular and clarity versions in our project. I tried using stackblitz templates(ang 15 and clarity 15 in local) versions from clarity website by creating a new angular project getting the exact same error that I got with my project



Here's our starter template working correctly with the modal. Use this template to help you investigate why this is broken in your project. I'm closing this as not a Clarity library issue but an issue within the setup of your project.

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