
Node selector / Node affinity behavior is inconsistent with Kubernetes Scheduler

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What steps did you take and what happened:
[A clear and concise description of what the bug is.]

  1. Set up a node A and set two labels to A: a: b and c: d
  2. Set up another node B and set one label to B: a: b
  3. Set up a sonobuoy plugin with DaemonSet driver
  • We want to avoid the plugin running on the node A
  1. Run a sonobuoy daemonset plugin with either PodSpec configuration below:
  • Case X: Put a node selector to run Pods only on node A and B and a node affinity to avoid running Pods on node A
  • Case Y: Put a node affinity that contains two match expressions in a node SelectorTerms: the one forces Pods to run only on node A and B and the other one prevents a Pod running on node A

Case X

    a: b
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: c
            operator: NotIn
            - d

Case Y

        - matchExpressions:
          - key: a
            operator: In
            - b
          - key: c
            operator: NotIn
            - d
  1. Run a sonobuoy daemonset plugin with above plugin congiguration
  2. Sonobuoy counts the both node A and B as the available nodes

On our environment, node A is the Fargate node and node B is the normal node. DaemonSets cannot run on Fargate nodes, resulting the plugin always fails with No pod aws scheduleded on node A error.

What did you expect to happen:

Sonobuoy should not count the node A as an available node.

This issue is caused by inconsistency in handling nodeSelector and nodeAffinity between Kubernetes Scheduler and Sonobuoy.

Case X: Kubernetes schedules a Pod on a node that satisfies both nodeSelector and nodeAffinity.

If you specify both nodeSelector and nodeAffinity, both must be satisfied for the Pod to be scheduled onto a node.


Currently Sonobuoy performs like OR of nodeSelector and nodeAffinity code.

Case Y: In Kubernetes, match expressions in a single matchExpressions field are ANDed.

If you specify multiple expressions in a single matchExpressions field associated with a term in nodeSelectorTerms, then the Pod can be scheduled onto a node only if all the expressions are satisfied (expressions are ANDed).


Currently Sonobuoy counts a node as available if at least one expression is matched code.


  • Sonobuoy version: 0.57.1 (go1.21.4)
  • Kubernetes version: (use kubectl version): Confirmed with multiple versions, 1.25~1.27
  • Kubernetes installer & version: AWS EKS
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration: AWS EKS
  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): n/a
  • Sonobuoy tarball (which contains * below): Please request if needed