
Ph 5.0 make build issues in packages sssd-2.8.2 and kubernetes-dashboard-2.7.0

dcasota opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

Ph 5.0 make build fails processing sssd-2.8.2 and kubernetes-dashboard-2.7.0 packages, see logfiles.

fyi observations

Reproduction steps

Reference https://vmware.github.io/photon/docs-v5/installation-guide/building-images/build-iso-from-source/build-the-iso/

installed prerequirements:
tdnf install -y kpartx git bc build-essential createrepo_c texinfo wget python3-pip tar dosfstools cdrkit rpm-build

Expected behavior

successful make build.

Additional context

btw. Happy New Year to the Photon OS team !

Happy New Year to you too. K8s-dashboard has been fixed by commit fc8b746.
sssd I was able to build successfully, can you try it again on latest commit.
Also which version of photon machine are you building it on?

@prashant1221 Awesome, Thank You.

The make build process finished successfully with 1029 packages - thanks to the bump up of kubernetes-dashboard as part of nodejs 20.10.0 and the sssd bump up as part of gnutls 3.7.10. got resolved, too.

The photon-5.0-b773ede33.x86_64.iso outcome is from a classic make build with no custom repos.

Some observations:

  • on the photon os builder machine (5.0 GA):

    • (No temporarily packages anymore with sha naming scheme, seen in publish or source - cannot remember.)
    • The needed bump wasn't obvious, at least for me. From a lessons learned perspective I'm not sure if I would be able to identify the cause myself next time and know how to respond.
      Hence, multiple srpms of the same package made it to the iso: [autoconf-2.71-2, autoconf-2.71-3],[emacs-28.2-3, emacs-28.2-4],...
    • Main.log is empty.
  • on the iso:

    • EULA VMware General Terms still from 16 June 2022
    • OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSE_PHOTON_.TX seems to have an issue as packages are missing or in multiple versions: e.g. Section 2:
      • e.g. docker-23.0.1 + docker-23.0.2 but no docker 24.0.1 (packaged)
      • kubernetes-dashboard-2.0.3 (not packaged, but mentioned) and kubernetes-dashboard-2.7.0 (packaged)
      • ...

I will close the issue within 3 days. Let me know if I can provide you with any further information.



  • please, have a look to algorithm recommendations for openssh using ssh-audit, tdnf install -y python3-pip pip3 install ssh-audit ssh-audit A few ciphers are listed as not recommended.
  • minimal vm amount of ram is 824MB. With 768 mb ram (default e.g. in VMware by Broadcom Workstation 17.5) the vm installed with photon-5.0-b773ede33.x86_64.iso (minimal) crashes.
    A thing to remember: With 824mb ram only, you have strange effects e.g. lsmem shows total online memory of 896M, and
    setups like tdnf install -y awk libstdc++ curl https://ollama.ai/install.sh | sh ollama serve & ollama run llama2 fail on step curl. minimal ram is for the docs.
  • missing efi boot (shim-signed) support for baremetal boot
    btw. still that boot error message error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:257:file 'boot/grub2/x86_64-efi/vbe.mod' not found

For k8s-dashboard, it was mistake from my side as I replaced the existing tarball hence there was shasum mismatch.
We'll keep the 3 points in mind
cc @tapakund @sshedi

please mind kubernetes-dashboard on ph4 branch as well