
VCH Configure to add new registry whitelist option missing

aviratna opened this issue · 1 comments

VIC 1.5.4
VCH Configure to add new registry whitelist option missing

Usecase: To add new registry to existing running VCH

Command given in doc:
vic-machine-operating_system configure
--target vcenter_server_address
--user Administrator@vsphere.local
--password password
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint
--id vch_id
--registry-ca path_to_ca_cert_for_existing_registry
--registry-ca path_to_ca_cert_for_new_registry

Issue: There is no option to specify the whitelist registry

Error: Command gets completed successfully but not able to pull from new registry
Access denied to unauthorized registry while VCH is in whitelist mode


Following powershell could help, while the VIC folks could provide a permanent fix by tweaking vic-machine configure.

Function setGuestInfo ($guestVMName, $guestKey, $guestKeyValue){
    $vmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
    $extra = New-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
    $extra.Key = $guestKey
    $extra.Value = $guestKeyValue
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig += $extra
    $vm = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | where { $_.name -eq $guestVMName }

$vCenterServer = "<your vcenter>"
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer
setGuestInfo ("<vch name>") ("guestinfo.vice./registry/whitelist_registries~") ("<registry1>|<registry2>")
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -confirm:$False | Out-Null