
Choose auctions for user to join based on a global ordering of users

hrosenbe opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently users join auctions by fetching a random page from the active auctions list, and then joining a random auction on that page. This works well to evenly distribute users over the auctions, but there are some issues with this approach when the number of active users is scaled up and down during a run.

Instead, we should have users join auctions based on a globally unique and ordered id so that each id maps to a specific set of auctions.

  • The number of auctions that a user can choose from should be based on the allowed number of async behaviors.
  • The number of users attending each auction should be based on the usersPerAuction parameter.

In this way, the number of users per auction will remain constant even when the number of users is scaled up and down. This will keep the operation mix constant despite the changing load.

The implementation of this change was merged in 2326072