
Error message when Java is not installed

RebeccaYo opened this issue · 2 comments

When installing Weathervane on CentOS 7.4 release 1708, running "./gradlew clean release" without having first installed jdk ("yum install –y java-1.8.0-openjdk*") will produce an error:

"Could not find tools.jar"


This is different than the error described in the User's Guide, "you may get an error that no java command could be found in your path." It may be that CentOS 7.4 minimal install includes the JRE but not the JDK. Consider adding the error, such as seen in the screenshot, to the User's Guide in section 3.5.

Release 1.0.17 will download java and build the executables in the autoSetup script. See #58. Therefore this part of the user's guide will be removed.

Fixed in Release 1.0.17