
Record Weathervane run configuration

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The state of the weathervane configuration for a given run is currently preserved in the file configuration/weathervane.config.asRun. This contains the non-default values specified in the config file or at the command-line. It also contains all the default values. Although it can be used to reproduce a run, it's not readable, and if the default values were to change in Weathervane, it could potentially specify non-default values if used as a config file.

I'm looking for a user-readable reference of the values I specified in the config file that will also let me reproduce the run using the non-default values.

One way to resolve this would be to log a copy of the config file in the output directory. However, parameters are also specified on the command-line which aren't captured in the config file. Possibly we could record the weathervane configuration for a given run by saving a copy of the config file in the output directory, and append the command-line values JSON into that config file for completeness.

This has been fixed in 2.0. In the run's output folder, in addition to weathervane.config.asRun, there's also a copy of the config file weathervane.config.save and the command line parameters paramCommandLine.save.