is an embedded Google assistant on MagicMirror.
3.2.0 (09/04/2020)
- ADD: Chinese_simplified translate (thx to @wlmqpsc)
- ADD: ability to play personnal sound on recipes soundExec command (see wiki)
- FIX: no fade in animation on first use in Fullscreen ui
- DEL: full addon code and cleanning
- ADD: add control if A2D used
- Classic UI
- FullScreen UI
- Fully rebuild from scratch.
- More stable.
- Installer is served. (For Raspbian or any Debian-based Linux)
- Annoying audio output dependencies are deprecated. Simply using standard HTML5 audio output.
are added.- screen output is more controllable.
- customizable UI.
- pre-built recipes are served.
- Easier
custom action
Read the docs in wiki
简体中文 Chinese_simplified
Not easy. Remove existence then reinstall fresh.
- You'd better backup your
and profiles.
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2
npm run update
3.1.2 (17/03/2020)
- FIX: No sound response issue when custom action is used.
- FIX: correct youtube search link.
- ADD: Add A2D stop command (beta)
3.1.1-2 (06/03/2020)
ui: "Fullscreen"
position: "fullscreen_above"
is now ui likeGoogle Home
- MODIFY: user interface priority order Assistant2Display -> AMk2
- ADD: move native sound to class
3.1.1-1 (05/03/2020)
- FIX: correct audio cutting response for mpg321 (test)
- ADD: add cvlc audio out support (vlc using)
3.1.1-0 (02/03/2020)
- ADD: add new function for addons-recipe (socketExec, onSocketExec)
- FIX: continous conversation bug - infinite loop on no user response
- FIX: double chimed on TRANSCRIPTION_FAILS retry
- FIX: ability to set no chime on activate assistant
- FIX: touching the keyword "try to say" activates the assistant for the suggested search (Fullscreen and Classic2 ui)
- ADD: ASSISTANT_WEB server for activate with keyword
- MOTIFY : search KEYWORD/ TRYTOSAY translation script to improve performance
- FIX: correct screen parser log
3.1.0-3 (07/02/2020)
- BUG: correct issue with no response audio and play-sound (freeze)
3.1.0-2 (05/02/2020)
- DELETE/MOVE: addonsConfig:{} is noved to addons/addons.js
- ADD/CONFIG: addons: BOOLEAN to activate or not addons.js
- ADD: touch icon to activate assistant
3.1.0-1 (30/01/2020)
- ADD/CONFIG: ability to add a personal addons in node_helper (addons.js)
- ISSUE: correct mmap issue :
- choice HTML5 audio or native audio
- CONFIG: reduce CPU usage by ability to disable animated icons
- ADD: volume control via MMM-Volume
- ADD/CONFIG: ability to use static icons
- CONFIG: ability to use personal chimes
- ADD: npm install with new dependencies
- ADD: added update script (npm run update)
3.0.2 (2020-01-23)
- CHANGED : To use smaller memory,
is changed tobufferToMP3
and some logic improved.
3.0.1 (2020-01-22)
- fixed:
issue. (Mic not working issue.)
- MagicMirror : 2.10.0
- RPI 3B+ / raspbian 10 /nodeJS v10.17.0 / npm 6.13.2
- MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 / MacBookPro 2017 15" / nodeJS v11.12.0 / npm v6.9.0
- debian 10 / nodeJS v10.18.0 / npm v6.13.4
- Author :
- @eouia
- @bugsounet
- @Anonym-tsk
- Chinese simplified translate :
- @wlmqpsc
- License : MIT
- By terms of Google Assistant SDK, You are not allowed to use or provide this module for commercial purpose.