
Standard-Audio german has errors | Correctiv-Recherche "Geheimplan gegen Deutschland" – 1 Jahr danach

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Here https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-correctiv-recherche-geheimplan-gegen-deutschland-1-jahr-danach the german audio has errors but the audio-track "eng-1080" play the clean german audio. So please replace the german standard audio with "eng-1080" what loaded first and change the "eng-1080" to real english. Thanks <3

Thanks, now the video is back but there are no other languages to choose. The standard (first loaded lang) is not german and now english what is false. The standard-lang should be german in first and please reactivate the lang-switcher in the player. Thanks <3

Here https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-correctiv-recherche-geheimplan-gegen-deutschland-1-jahr-danach/audio the german audio is also the wrong version with errors, please change that to the clean german audio. Thanks <3

Ok i found out that not the full german version is damage, it has only errors from 3:20 to 8:00 and it is this file https://ftp.fau.de/cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2024/webm-hd/38c3-91-deu-eng-fra-Correctiv-Recherche_Geheimplan_gegen_Deutschland_-_1_Jahr_danach_webm-hd.webm