
Music URL 404 (I don't know if is a issue)

lannodev opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to get artist page using:

//Credentials obtained by example_vkofficial.php script
define('TOKEN', "myToken");
define('USER_AGENT', SupportedClients::VkOfficial()->getUserAgent());
$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('User-Agent: ' . USER_AGENT));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

/* Artisit*/

    "v=5.116" . // Api Version
        "&https=1" .
        "&ref=search" .
        "&extended=1" .
        "&lang=pt-br" .
        "&count=5" .
        "&need_blocks=0" .
        "&artist_id=mkjay" .
        "&access_token=" . TOKEN

$artist = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
$section_id = $artist->response->catalog->sections[0]->id;
$artist_title = $artist->response->catalog->sections[0]->title;

if ($artist_title != "") {

        "v=5.116" . // Api Version
            "&https=1" .
            "&ref=search" .
            "&extended=1" .
            "&lang=en" .
            "&count=5" .
            "&start_from=0" .
            "&next_from=1" .
            "&need_blocks=0" .
            "&section_id=" . $section_id .
            "&access_token=" . TOKEN

    $data = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));

    /* Example of getting mp3 from m3u8 url */
    function getMp3FromM3u8($url)
        // Not a m3u8 url
        if (!strpos($url, "index.m3u8?")) {
            return $url;
        if (strpos($url, "/audios/")) {
            return preg_replace('~^(.+?)/[^/]+?/audios/([^/]+)/.+$~', '\\1/audios/\\2.mp3', $url);
        } else {
            return preg_replace('~^(.+?)/(p[0-9]+)/[^/]+?/([^/]+)/.+$~', '\\1/\\2/\\3.mp3', $url);

    $allAudios = $data->response->audios;
    foreach ($allAudios as $audio) {
        $audio->url = getMp3FromM3u8($audio->url);

    /* Response with mp3 urls */
    echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n\n";

When I run this code on local php server everything its good!
but when i try to run this code in hostinger server (
the URL audio give to me 404 page

Example response local:

"is_licensed": true,
"track_code": "28646071UzEmKpXVuGVFnfNJbLs8QoTdes4kxHXlBhZuKHhMAaKD_rJD",
"url": "",
"date": 1570532915,

Example response Hostinger:

"is_licensed": true,
"track_code": "27f63f55WbxlxswQK8Yp535KdYNFJEILQJ3SyOVQFLzAvxmdbn-Nc_Gv",
"url": "",
"date": 1570532915,

The Host Server location is EUA
Why this happens ?
All the best!

@luciano-work Are you trying to open mp3 URL that was obtained from Hostinger IP from a local IP? It is a well-known restriction, these URLs are bound to IP.

This is my curl_getinfo($ch) from hostinger and localhost:

"url": "",
"content_type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"http_code": 200,
"header_size": 252,
"request_size": 217,
"filetime": -1,
"ssl_verify_result": 0,
"redirect_count": 0,
"total_time": 0.633727,
"namelookup_time": 0.000087,
"connect_time": 0.000087,
"pretransfer_time": 0.000167,
"size_upload": 278,
"size_download": 73740,
"speed_download": 116492,
"speed_upload": 439,
"download_content_length": 73740,
"upload_content_length": 278,
"starttransfer_time": 0.00017,
"redirect_time": 0,
"redirect_url": "",
"primary_ip": "",
"certinfo": [],
"primary_port": 443,
"local_ip": "",
"local_port": 22058,
"http_version": 3,
"protocol": 2,
"ssl_verifyresult": 0,
"scheme": "HTTPS",
"appconnect_time_us": 87,
"connect_time_us": 87,
"namelookup_time_us": 87,
"pretransfer_time_us": 167,
"redirect_time_us": 0,
"starttransfer_time_us": 170,
"total_time_us": 633727

Localhost (php -S localhost:8080)

"url": "",
"content_type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"http_code": 200,
"header_size": 253,
"request_size": 262,
"filetime": -1,
"ssl_verify_result": 0,
"redirect_count": 0,
"total_time": 1.492954,
"namelookup_time": 0.00004,
"connect_time": 0.00004,
"pretransfer_time": 0.000097,
"size_upload": 286,
"size_download": 134905,
"speed_download": 90418,
"speed_upload": 191,
"download_content_length": 134905,
"upload_content_length": 286,
"starttransfer_time": 0.000102,
"redirect_time": 0,
"redirect_url": "",
"primary_ip": "",
"certinfo": [],
"primary_port": 443,
"local_ip": "",
"local_port": 50998,
"http_version": 3,
"protocol": 2,
"ssl_verifyresult": 0,
"scheme": "HTTPS",
"appconnect_time_us": 40,
"connect_time_us": 40,
"namelookup_time_us": 40,
"pretransfer_time_us": 97,
"redirect_time_us": 0,
"starttransfer_time_us": 102,
"total_time_us": 1492954

You think that the problem is "local_ip": ?
All the best!

@luciano-work yes, the problem is with the local_ip. Maybe my explanation was not clear, I mean that when you query audio URLs from one IP ( you can't access them from other IPs, including your local IP. It was so even when VK API was public.