All references and annotation files can be obtained in a separate task from the repo, in annotation/dataset/gnomad
Required packages can be obtained via dockerfiles (look in local/share/envs/dockerfiles), the branch occam has all snakefile rules with a new directive, 'docker' - a patched
snakemake is available at which is able to call rules inside docker containers.
Otherwise you can use a standard snakemake and run all rules in a conda environment obtained with:
conda config --add channels defaults && conda config --add channels bioconda && conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n CONDA_ENV_NAME bcftools=1.9 bedtools=2.27 picard=2.18.15 samtools=1.9 trimmomatic=0.38 ucsc-liftover=357 bwa=0.7.17 fastqc=0.11.7 mosdepth=0.2.3 ensembl-vep=94.5 python=3.7.3 multiqc=1.7
For GATK rules use --use-singularity, the singularity image of GATK version is referenced with the singularity directive and can be obtained on your local systems via:
singularity pull --name gatk.img docker://broadinstitute/gatk:
Create a new directory inside dataset and add a symbolic link to the appropriate Snakefile, eg:
ln -s ../../local/share/snakerule/Snakefile_WES_base Snakefile
then copy one of the example conf file, adapt it to your needs and link it there as (look in dataset/example_* for minimal examples of setup).
- ROOT path where you put your task/annotation/dataset/gnomad
- TYPE= "WES" | "WGS"
- PAIRED=True | False
- CORES=12 # how many cores you want to use
- GATK_SING="/home/egrassi/gatk4140/gatk.img"
- GATK_ODOCKER="egrassi/occamsnakes/gatk:1"
- XENOME_ODOCKER="egrassi/occamsnakes/xenome:1"
- ALIGN_ODOCKER="egrassi/occamsnakes/align_recalibrate:1"
- DATA=PRJ_ROOT+"/local/share/data/example" # where the fastq are stored
- SAMPLES_ORIG=["example","examplen"] # names of the fastq files in the fastq_dir
- SAMPLES=["pippo","pluto"] # samples name, same order as SAMPLES_ORIC
- FASTQ_SUFFIX=".{pair}.fastq.gz" # structure of your fastq names
- FASTQ_POST=".fastq.gz"
- PAIRS=['1','2']
- EXONS=DATA+'/targed.bed'
TODO Xenome indices path are still hardcoded in rules and not configured via
WARNING due to a bug xenome does not end but hangs in multithreaded mode, here some steps need to be carried out manually changing rules targets (first xenome, kill after some time manually, change targets to call the checkxenome rule).
- NORMAL=["pluto"]
- TUMOR=["pippo"]
The all target will generate all vcf for your samples and some basic qc/multiqc files.