
Unable to Connect to VNC on Arch Linux

Closed this issue · 14 comments

I am encountering issues with connecting to the VNC server and accessing noVNC while running the free-games-claimer container. Here are the details of the problem:

  • When attempting to connect to localhost:6080, the page does not load.
  • Trying to connect to the VNC server on port 5900 results in a black screen.
  • I have followed the provided instructions and ensured that the container is running.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start the free-games-claimer container.
  2. Access localhost:6080 in a web browser.
  3. Attempt to connect to the VNC server on port 5900.

Expected Behavior:
I expect to be able to access the VNC server and interact with the noVNC interface as described in the documentation.

Actual Behavior:
I am unable to connect to the VNC server or access the noVNC interface. Connecting to localhost:6080 does not load the page, and connecting to the VNC server on port 5900 results in a black screen.

Additional Information:

  • I have checked the container logs, and there are no error messages or warnings related to the VNC or noVNC setup.
  • I have verified that the container is running and no other processes are using ports 5900 or 6080.


  • Operating System: Arch Linux
  • Container Image: ghcr.io/vogler/free-games-claimer:latest

Any assistance or guidance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

 ✔ free-games-claimer Pulled                                                             0.8s
[+] Running 1/0
 ✔ Container fgc  Created                                                                0.0s
Attaching to fgc
fgc  | Xvfb display server created screen with resolution 1280x1280
fgc  | VNC is running on port 5900 (no password!)
fgc  | noVNC (VNC via browser) is running on http://localhost:6080
fgc  |
fgc  |
fgc  | 2023-07-18 13:29:00.924 started checking epic-games
fgc  | Not signed in anymore. Please login in the browser or here in the terminal.
fgc  | Open http://localhost:6080 to login inside the docker container.
fgc  | Login timeout is 180 seconds!
fgc  | Press ESC to skip the prompts if you want to login in the browser (not possible in headless mode).
fgc  |
fgc  | ? Enter email ‣


First I tried with the command from the Readme, then with a docker compose I made following the command and then I tried using this docker-compose too: #43 (comment)

vogler commented

There should be nothing special about the exposed ports. Can you access other containers' ports?
Try if you can access this in your browser: https://hub.docker.com/r/nginxdemos/hello/

Yeah I can see any other port in my docker compose, sonarr, radarr, jellyfin, nextcloud, nginx, prowlarr, jackett etc. all work fine

vogler commented

Ok, interesting, then maybe it's the same issue as #149 (HAOS), but I thought I saw someone running it on Arch without problems.

vogler commented

Maybe it's a good idea for you to chime in there, I just added some comment how to debug further.

Yeah I'll check the issue right now and give my input if I can :)

Not sure if it's related, I'm not on aarch but arch linux and endeavour os

uname -a
Linux summer 6.4.3-arch1-2 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat, 15 Jul 2023 19:25:49 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I will try on a ubuntu machine

Seems like it's working fine on my ubuntu machine so I will use that now but yeah the vnc not working was weird on my arch linux machine

This is my docker-compose.yml

version: '3.6'

    container_name: fgc
    image: ghcr.io/vogler/free-games-claimer
      - "6080:6080"
      - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - ./fgc/data:/fgc/data
    command: >
              bash -c "node epic-games.js; node gog.js" 
vogler commented

Can you diff the output of docker info (docs) of both machines? Must be some docker-specific difference between Ubuntu hosts vs. HAOS and your EndeavourOS.
You can also include uname -a for your Ubuntu, but I don't think the newer kernel version is the issue.

This is the diff of docker info (arch on the left, ubuntu on the right)


~ ❯ diff arch ubuntu

<  Version:    24.0.2
<  Plugins:
<   compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.)
<     Version:  2.20.0
<     Path:     /usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
<  Containers: 13
<   Running: 13
>  Containers: 12
>   Running: 10
<   Stopped: 0
<  Images: 42
<  Server Version: 24.0.2
>   Stopped: 2
>  Images: 15
>  Server Version: 20.10.21
<   Using metacopy: true
<   Native Overlay Diff: false
>   Native Overlay Diff: true
<  Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 runc
>  Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc
<  containerd version: 0cae528dd6cb557f7201036e9f43420650207b58.m
<  runc version:
<  init version: de40ad0
>  containerd version:
>  runc version:
>  init version:
>   apparmor
<    Profile: builtin
>    Profile: default
<  Kernel Version: 6.4.3-arch1-2
<  Operating System: EndeavourOS
>  Kernel Version: 5.15.0-76-generic
>  Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
<  CPUs: 12
<  Total Memory: 31.26GiB
<  Name: summer
<  ID: 08b1daba-8485-4600-92a8-9ee226565b58
>  CPUs: 2
>  Total Memory: 7.643GiB
>  Name: foxtrot
>  Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
>  Labels:

Let's continue this in #187.