
Files are not written to AudioOutputPath

pancitmiki opened this issue · 5 comments


I have set /etc/orkaudio/config.xml to "/data/orkaudio/another_audio_folder".
orkaudio and orktrack are both running properly but the actual files are not written to the custom folder.
Setting it back to the default one also does not fix it.

I see in the logs where the files are supposedly being written to:

2022-06-30 20:59:57,423 INFO reporting:376 - [localhost:9000/orktrack] timedeltasecs:0 sending: type=tape recid=20220630_205957_LETT stage=start captureport=LETT timestamp=1656622797 filename=2022/06/30/20/20220630_205957_LETT localparty=2004@ localentrypoint= remoteparty=2003@ direction=out duration=0 service=orkaudio-siptap localip= remoteip= nativecallid=mIDP2eiJNC tags=holdduration:0 ondemand=false side=both live=true hostname=siptap

And I have confirmed through a packet capture that the rtp packets are on the ports mentioned.

Is there any specific user/group permission i have to set into that custom folder so that orkaudio writes the files to it?
btw, I have set AudioFileOwner and AudioFileGroup as 'root'.
Everything is also run as root.

Just to note, I had to check out the latest code and compiled orkaudio and still the writing of audio files do not work.
The odd thing is when I run orkaudio, not from local, but through docker, the audio files get written properly.

@pancitmiki Have you checked if the folder is writable or not?

I just tried the same and I can see files being created there

# tree /data/orkaudio/another_audio_folder/
└── 2022
    └── 07
        └── 01
            └── 09
                ├── 20220701_094457_NOVM.opus
                ├── 20220701_094458_NOVS.opus
                ├── 20220701_094458_NOVU.opus
                └── 20220701_094458_NOVV.opus

@kingster - it is writable:
root@siptap:~# tree /data
└── orkaudio
└── another_audio_folder

2 directories, 0 files

Please note that this only happens with the compiled orkaudio.
If i run the docker version, the writing works perfectly to the audio path.

I'm using Debian 11.3 for this.
Thank you

@pancitmiki We mostly run on Ubuntu boxes, you can refer to the list of os and version combinations on which its supported / tested today.

I haven't personally tried Debian 11, but if you have complied it natively it should ideally work.

Can you give it a try on a supported Ubuntu/Debian using the pre-built binaries?

PS. I will try out on deb11 when I get some free time.

Hi @pancitmiki

I just compiled on a freshly configured deb11 VM and I can see the files being properly recorded in the destination folder

root@debian11-orkaudio:/oreka-src/orkaudio# cat /etc/debian_version

Recorded Files

root@debian11-orkaudio:/oreka-src/orkaudio# tree /data/orkaudio/another_audio_folder/
└── 2022
    └── 07
        └── 10
            └── 14
                ├── 20220710_143933_BIUY.wav
                ├── 20220710_143933_BIVA.wav
                ├── 20220710_143933_BIVC.wav
                ├── 20220710_143933_BIVD.wav
                ├── 20220710_143934_BIVE.wav
                └── 20220710_143934_BIVG.wav

4 directories, 6 files
root@debian11-orkaudio:/oreka-src/orkaudio# ls -ltrah /data/orkaudio/another_audio_folder/2022/07/10/14
total 468K
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Jul 10 14:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  83K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143933_BIUY.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  49K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143933_BIVD.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  76K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143934_BIVG.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  81K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143933_BIVA.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  96K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143934_BIVE.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  68K Jul 10 14:39 20220710_143933_BIVC.wav
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 10 14:39 .

Here is the exact /etc/orkaudio/config.xml that I had used for this test run

	<TapeProcessors>BatchProcessing, Reporting</TapeProcessors>


		<!-- <Devices>eth10</Devices> -->

I am unable to replicate the issue that you reported. Can you try on a fresh VM just to eliminate any other conflict that you might be having on your system?