
record control

harold-yh opened this issue · 4 comments

Will there be several practical functional requirements in the future?

1: Record after answered only。

2: Stop recording after answered (only recrord ring)

At present, there is only full recording

Hi @harold-yh

As per the original documentation and OrekaAPI.pdf the start/stop control of the recordings can be controlled externally. Hopefully, this will suffice your use case.

I read the document. The document only provides conditional recording (for example, recording by calling, called and other conditions), but what I need is the recording time, such as recording when the phone was answered or when the call is invitied

By using a combination of conditional recording and external API control (start/stop), you can have recordings post pickup, or just have a recording of the ringing duration.

IMO this kind of custom recording logic would be user-logic specific and would be out of the current scope of orkaudio to provide inbuilt support, and the only possible way would be external API control. But that said, you can raise a PR with this feature and I would be happy to merge this feature

Okay,I'll try do it.