
Docker installation not responding for siprec INVITE

kavinchauhan opened this issue · 3 comments

I have installed orkaudio with docker in centos 7.
I am using siprec module with opensips which send siprec INVITE to oreca.
I can see traffic on port but it's not sending 200 OK for call receive.

May I know how can I handle signalling?

As per my understanding orkaudio(this version) works in passive mode of siprec, and in this mode, orkaudio would keep capturing sip+rtp as long as they arrive on the capture interface.

Okay. so it's voip capture plugin is just for capturing traffic.

Any idea, what I can use with orkaudio in passive mode and some other stuff to manage signalling to work with opensips siprec?

You should be able to use orkaudio with any sip infrastructure.

Here is the one possible deployment design (using port mirroring/ network mirroring)


A lot more scenarios are presented in this white paper doc

But a very simplistic one can be running orkaudio on the same node as your sbc gateway/pbx.

Update: Here are the supported deployment topologies https://github.com/voiceip/oreka/wiki/Deployment