
sv status exit code for service masked by its log

garthk opened this issue · 1 comments

sv(8) says:

The sv program can be sym-linked to /etc/init.d/ to provide an LSB init script interface. The service to be controlled then is specified by the base name of the "init script".

If sv is called with a base name other than sv: it exits 1 on timeout or trouble sending the command; if the command is status, it exits 3 if the service is down, and 4 if the status is unknown; it exits 2 on wrong usage, and 151 on error.

This isn't entirely true. If the service has a log, the exit code instead reflects the status of the log. In src/sv.c:154-176 you'll see rc updated if chdir("log") and svstatus_get() succeed, after which the if (lsb) branch to the switch will call done reflecting the log's status.

This strikes me as a bug in the code, not the man page.

I can reproduce this:

❯ fd -t f . /etc/sv/issue-20 -X head    
==> /etc/sv/issue-20/run <==
echo 'Sleeping for 60 seconds.'
exec /usr/bin/sleep 60

==> /etc/sv/issue-20/log/run <==
exec /usr/bin/false
❯ ls -l /etc/init.d/issue-20 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Aug  5 18:09 /etc/init.d/issue-20 -> /usr/bin/sv
❯ sudo /etc/init.d/issue-20 status
run: issue-20: (pid 8220) 44s; down: log: 1s, normally up, want up
❯ echo $?  # expecting 0

PR up momentarily.