
ZZZ seems to glitch with graphical wayland sessoions

godalming123 opened this issue · 4 comments

When I run zzz in DWL my system shows DWL after being resumed but cannot be used and is frozen; I cannot switch TTY, move my mouse or use any keybindings. It is possible this is a DWL issue as it handles all of these things and ZZZ seems to work in a tty although if I run zzz in a TTY and then launch dwl my system also freezes.

I have no idea what DWL is but it could be that your graphics driver is locking up resume?

DWL is a wayland compositor.

Zapeth commented

Are you by chance using tlp on your system? If yes it might be fixed with this PR (not sure why it hasn't been merged yet), or try to disable the service and see if you still get freezes (see also void-linux/void-packages#33813)

Depends if TLP is installed by default on void, I am no longer running that system and so cannot test this for you and will close this issue. I also might switch back to void at some point in which case I will update you as to if this is fixed.